MON.-FRI.: 8:00 - 20:00 SAT.: 9.00 - 13.00


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Frequently asked questions – implantology

What is the total cost of implants?

The total cost of treatment with one implant with a crown ranges from PLN 4,000 to PLN 7,500. The price does not include additional treatments that do not always have to be performed and their need is decided after the patient’s diagnosis.

What determines the difference in the price of the implant?

The price depends on the scope of the procedure and the methods used, as well as on the selected implants and prosthetic elements.

What conditions do I have to meet to be qualified for the procedure?

During the first consultation visit, the patient’s health condition is assessed. Then, radiological tests are performed, i.e. Computed Tomography, which allows for a three-dimensional assessment of the bone substrate for implantation, and then referrals are made for a blood test.

How long after tooth extraction should an implant be placed?

As soon as possible to prevent bone loss in the place where the extracted tooth was embedded. In our office, tooth extraction and implantation are often performed in one visit.

How long will it take from implantation to the placement of the crown?

It depends on where the implant is placed. The healing time when the implant is implanted in the jaw is approximately 6 months, in the mandible this time is shorter and amounts to 3 months. After this time, visits are made to install the crown. In many cases, it is possible to make temporary restorations that can be installed already during the procedure.

Is there an age contraindication to the procedure?

There are no age restrictions for implant surgery. Currently, our office has 7 patients over 80 years of age after implantology.

How long do I have to stay in Poland after the procedure if I live abroad?

If the patient feels well after the procedure, he or she can leave the next day, but it is recommended to stay for 7 days after the procedure.

How long will my implants last?

They can last a lifetime. It largely depends on the patient and his compliance with oral hygiene recommendations.

Do I have to take sick leave after the procedure? What is the recovery time?

There is no need. Some patients even return to work on the same day, but a day off after the procedure is advisable. It all depends on the stage of advancement and the patient’s well-being after the procedure.

What pain may I experience after the procedure and how to deal with it? How long does the swelling last?

Pain is almost non-existent. Slight swelling, bleeding and pain may occur at the implant site and usually last up to a week.

Should you be afraid of the procedure? Is it painful?

Implantation is a minimally invasive procedure and usually requires only simple local anesthesia.

For patients who are afraid of dental procedures, our office offers the possibility of using the so-called “laughing gas”, i.e. inhalation sedation.

Why is an implant a better solution than a prosthetic restoration?

Compared to prosthetic restorations, there is no need to grind teeth during implant placement. And where there are no teeth, implants replace removable dentures.

Are implants a contraindication to MRI?

Titanium dental implants do not have ferromagnetic properties, they are non-magnetic. The alloy from which the implant is made does not heat up in the magnetic field of Magnetic Resonance, is not attracted by the device’s magnet and does not pose a threat to the patient. The prosthetic restoration may be a problem if it is made of steel.

How many visits will I need from the time of implant placement until the crown is placed?

Usually these are three visits. It all depends on the treatment plan, selected individually for each patient.

How to take care of hygiene with an implant?

For the first days after the procedure, gentle hygiene is recommended, using a soft brush and a small amount of toothpaste containing fluoride and bactericidal ingredients. It is recommended to refrain from using electronic and sonic toothbrushes. The fluids recommended after the procedure are chlorhexidine-based fluids, which should be used for no longer than two weeks every 3 months. It is recommended to use toothbrushes, single-bunch brushes and dental floss for hard-to-reach places.

Is there a risk of implant rejection?

Yes, approximately 2% of treatments fail. This is due to various reasons.