MON.-FRI.: 8:00 - 20:00 SAT.: 9.00 - 13.00


17 853-40-33, 602-383-911,


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Prophylaxis – in Dentar first priority is to take care of teeth and gums. To care for them, proper care, hygiene, and regular dental check-ups are essential. All these activities will ensure a healthy and beautiful smile for many years.

  • proper care – taking care of oral hygiene is a daily ritual that will keep your white teeth healthy and protect you against many diseases. There is no doubt that brushing your teeth in the morning and evening is an absolute must. However, in order to comprehensively take care of the oral cavity, you should brush your teeth after each meal, floss your teeth regularly and use mouthwash.
  • preventive visits – the DentAR dental office encourages patients of all ages to take advantage of preventive consultations and meetings, which are a perfect complement to daily oral care.

The preventive visit consists of two parts:

  1. dental review – this is a meeting at which the dentist performs a comprehensive oral review, checking the health of the teeth and gums, will also carry out a general medical history and propose an individual prevention or treatment program tailored to the needs of a particular patient
  2. hygienization treatment – is part of the prevention program and takes different forms depending on the individual conditions of the patient. The most common activities performed in this procedure are saling, i.e. removing tartar, sandblasting, polishing the surface of the teeth with a special polishing paste and fluoridation that increases tooth protection against tooth decay.